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I have been a feminist music critic for thirty years, starting at the Melody Maker pre-digital and post-digital as a section editor for thegirlsare online magazine, the F Word, and other publications. Any archive material is supported by an overview of popular culture at the time and a deconstruction using 21st-century feminist, cultural, media and socio-political theory.

I also write short stories and novellas which will appear here, but my current writing project is a creative non-fiction book based on my 20-something self’s manifesto for writing when a live reviewer in the 90s. You can access the Prologue, and Chapter’s 1, 2 and 3 for free.

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Manifesto Of A Girl Journalist in the 90s Introduction and Chapter 1. Creative non-fiction and archive music journalism when writing for Melody Maker. Memoirs as short stories. Find out about my current agenda and research https://ngaireruth.uk/


Ngaire Ruth has been a pioneer of the ‘unconventionals’ in print and online music journalism for over thirty years and is writing a book. She works as an academic and lecturer, with a feminist agenda. She also writes short stories and novellas.